Friday, September 5, 2008

What a pickle!

The other day I was taking my nightly stroll in the gardens around the dad palace when i stumbled into a rather sticky spider web. This is not an uncommon occurance, so I forced myself to keep calm and continue with the engaging phone conversation I was having with a good friend about old times. Most of the time when I walk through a spider web it is a mere wisp of a strand and nothing to get too worried about. This time however I walked through the bulk of the web in all its geometric glory. Being a logical individual I thought surely I must have picked up the occupant of that particular web somewhere on my person. Upon returning inside a brief examination revieled nothing unusual and I continued with my conversation.

Five minutes later I looked down and screamed. The spider I saw crawling up my shirt was of the most foul variety. It was about the size of a frisbee, had inch long fangs, a red bandit mask and what appeared to be a switch-blade in either hand. Again I screamed and threw my phone to the ground. At some point in my wild flailing I knocked the monster off of me and ran from the room to grab my camera. I gathered all my courage, I knew this needed be shared with the world. I snapped what pictures I could before the horror overwhelmed me, This is what I found:At this point the spider had apparently shrunk from its enormous size, but looking closer you could imagine the terror:On closer examination I don't think I should have been as scared as I was:-CAOW AH BUNG AH!

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